This section has video links to the stories I did for CNN-IBN , covering all aspects of
environment journalism from undercover investigations , special reports to indepth
documentaries and interviews. It also includes stories and documentaries that won
national and international awards |
We covered a range of news stories from
tracking the Ministry’s policies to reporting
on climate change or illegal mining |
These were environment investigations that
exposed for instance a forest officer who was
diverting forests for illegal mining, another
story that highlighted poaching of endangered
birds and another that showcased how a corporate
was breaking environment laws.
At Melting Point
This half hour documentary was shot in 2009 when I trekked
upto the Gangotri Glacier at Gaumukhfor 21 kms to find out
how climate change will impact the glacier. Accompanied
by a team of scientists and a glaciologist, the documentary
has stunning visuals of the landscape and mountain ecology
and looks at issues related to climate change and the state
of the Himalayan glaciers |
From the Roof of the World
In 2011 I was invited by the Norwegian Government to look
at the impact of climate change on the Arctic ecosystem.
This documentary outlines whats happening on the roof
of the world and how it will impact people in India |
Saving the Ganga
A five part series that follows the river Ganga from its source
Gaumukh in the Himalayas to the plains, right down to the sea
over a 2400 km long journey. The documentary shot on high
definition ran on History Tv18 and was translated into six
regional languages. It also became a trendsetter in the media
as it highlighted the plight of the Ganga due to hydropower
projects. |
Saving the Western Ghats of India
This five part series follows the Western Ghats considered to
be one of the top 10 biodiversity hotspots of the world. What
makes this region so special and what are the threats it is
facing. In this series I went deep into a bat cave in Goa, went
paragliding in Maharashtra to get an aerial view of the Ghats
and caught a leopard on a kill in Karnataka! The series showcases individuals who are fighting to save India’s western ghats |
Citizens of Earth
The new series brings stories from the farthest corners of the
country on India's most endangered wild animals encapsulated
in five episodes. The series led by award winning journalist
Bahar Dutt, Environment Editor goes to desolate interiors of Rann
of Kutch, Chambal in Rajasthan, Assam, Tripura, Orissa . The
series focussed on animals like the gharial, turtles ,the lesser known
primates of northeast India and big cats like tigers and leopards. |