conservation biologist • environmental journalist • author
From cage to forest

This is a project I undertook for my Msc thesis in Conservation
Biology from the Durrell Instiute for Conservation and Ecology (
DICE) . The study was conducted at the world famous Jersey Zoo,
set up by naturalist and author Gerald Durrell. The Zoo has, as an
experiment, a family of black lion tamarins that are free-ranging
within the premises. Anyways a Zoo that set free its animals seemed
like a pretty cool concept to me! I conducted a behaviorual study
and compared two families of this endangered Amazonian species
to find out if there was any difference in the behaviour of the family
that was caged with the family which had been allowed to roam free
in the woods in the Zoo. The study has important implications for
reintroduction programmes for endangered species. And at the risk
of being anthropomorphic the Black Lion Tamarins are the cutest
animals ever


Conservation Biologist
Environment Journalist